Thursday, May 5, 2011

Service Opportunities!

Serving together is an important ingredient to having a healthy group.  The goal is that every group (Classes and Life Groups) would serve together at least one time during a group season.  Here are a few opportunities for your group:

If you haven't heard FX is only 5 weeks away!  FX is the biggest event of the year for our Children's Ministry and hundreds of families will be impacted through this week!  It's gonna be awesome, but we can't do it alone!  So we wanted to let you know that there are a lot of ways that your group can help with FX!

1.  Help us repaint our set!  Our set is about 4 years old and were hoping to give it a makeover before the event.  If your group would be willing to help do some painting, we will happily provide the supplies!

2.  If your group consists of families that don't have kids, we would love to have you help in the nursery during FX!  This will allow parents to experience this program with their kids!  This is a huge chance for you to free them up to worship as a family!

3.  Have your group adopt a night!  We have 4 nights and each one will have lots of opportunities to serve!  Here are the nights and what will be taking place:
    Sunday Night - Record Breaking Game Night     Monday - Family Memory Night    Tuesday - Messy Madness Night    Wednesday - Picnic/inflatables Night

You can register for FX online at and if your group would be willing to help with any of the things above please contact Aaron Rathbone at (918) 260-5159 or by email at

    The Pregnancy Resource Center of Owasso (PRCO) would like to challenge your group to help us with our 4th Annual Fall Banquet Silent Auction. We are asking each group to pick a theme, purchase items that go with that theme and the PRCO will put the basket together for you. In return we will recognize that your Life Group sponsored that themed basket at our Silent Auction.
Some baskets that have been done in the past are:
Chocolate Basket:
Everyone in the group bought different kinds of chocolate
Tool Basket:
Everything you can think of for a starter tool box was placed in a tool box. Items such as: hammers, screw drivers, wall hanging kits, flash lights, tape, and much more.
Cocoa Basket:
Thermos’, hot cocoa mix, marshmallows, coffee mugs, coffee maker
Taste of Home Basket:
Taste of Home cookbook, cookie sheets, oven mitts, spatulas and more

If your group is interested decided what basket you will do and contact Amanda Cadwell at 918.272.6888 or email at
We appreciate your help and look forward to hearing from you all.

We need volunteers to help in the cafe on Sunday mornings.  The cafe provides the food and drinks that help us have a better group time.  Everyone does better in a group when they have a donut!  At the time of my writing this, we will not have a cafe this Sunday, May 8th, due to no volunteers... If your group would be interested in taking a Sunday, let us know, we'd love to plug you in. 

If you have any questions about these or anything else, let me know!


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