Wednesday, January 26, 2011

And that's where groups come in...

Our services at FCC are amazing!  It is often that I'm brought to tears as I lift up praise to our God among His people.  Our services are indeed attractional and our services are indeed affective.  I can't appreciate Tim and his teams enough for their effort to bring us before the throne of God each week.  But how much greater of an impact can we have on our communities if we attracted the lost not with our worship services, but with our lives.  Click on the following link and read on:

And this is where groups come in...  Groups are to be about building Christ followers who make an impact in this world.  As leaders, that needs to be our vision.  Leading those in our Classes and Life Groups to be transformed into the likeness of Christ.  It's not about education, it's about transformation.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all saying we need to change our services, I'm saying we need to change our lives...
How will you build Christ into the hearts of your group this week?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Did You Know... Check In Roster

Did you know that you can print your own group check-in roster from your group site?  Ya, I know, I just made your day!
Here are the steps:
  1. Go to the group site
  2. Login
  3. Click on your group name to go to your group roster page
  4. Toward the bottom of the page click on "Group Reports"
  5. Select "Check In Roster"
  6. You can then add the dates that your group will be meeting 
  7. You can include information such as emails and phone so that you can be sure to have everyone's info
  8. Scroll to the bottom and select "Run Report"
  9. You then print it!
This is especially helpful if you have a larger Group.  If your group members give you new information such as emails and phone numbers, be sure to update their information on your page by clicking on their name then clicking on their name again on the next screen.  Be sure it is accurate!

Thanks Leaders and attendance keepers!  We're off to a great start!
As always, if you have any questions, let me know.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Challenge to Change

We are about to embark once again into a new season of Groups here at FCC!  We have more groups than ever, which means we have more room than ever.  So, if you've still got room in your group, go recruit.  Tell those in your group to go invite others to join you.  The unchurched are more likely to come to your group than they are to church! 
Did you know that from the Group Site Main Menu you can see the list of all FCC members who are not in a group?  Go check it out. Here are the steps:
1. Login
2. Go to "Main Menu"
3. Go to "View/export people not in a group"
4. Go to "People not in a group (online report)"
It will then generate the list.  You can then scroll through the list and find people that you know and invite them to join your group!  We'll close Life Groups in 2 weeks, so get your group filled up quick!
You, as leaders, are the only ones that can access this information.

I'm excited as we move into this New Year and New Season.  Challenge your group to walk with Jesus daily.  I believe that where there is a Challenged Life there is potential for a Changed Life.


Here's a good article I want to pass on to you:
What's Next?