Our Life Groups are right in the middle of the FLE Series! I hope that your group is growing as they venture through this study.
Any church that does a financial series, such as the FLE, runs the risk of being accused of just wanting more money. "They just want us to give more..." can be a common statement. I thought Charlie put it best a few weeks ago when he said, "We want something for you not from you!"
Wow! How true!
We want our FCC family to experience several things:
1. Financial Freedom - Get out from under the burden of debt and living paycheck to paycheck
2. The Blessing of Giving - I don't care who you are, when you give, it feels good. Whether you're giving your time, effort, or money, it feels good when you help someone.
3. Restored Marriages - Money is still the number one topic couple fight over and divorce over. If we can help couples figure out their finances, we can save some marriages.
4. Partnering in the work of God - There are a lot of good causes out there (United Way, cancer research, aids foundation, etc.) But there is none more important than the cause of Christ. When we give to God in our tithe's and offerings, we're giving toward reaching lost souls. We want our people to experience what it's like to be a partner in the Kingdom not just to be an onlooker.
Do we want your money? Yes! We want you to give to the work of God's Kingdom. When God's people give to His standard, out of worship, amazing things happen and lives are changed!
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