Tuesday, January 26, 2010

When my group won't talk...

One of the struggles of leading a group is when people won't talk. A group time has not been successful if you, as the leader, are the only one that said anything. People learn best in the context of discussion.
As a leader there are a few things to watch for. Are you asking good questions? Avoid the yes and no questions, rather key on feeling questions, or "what's your opinion on..." Also, give your group members some time to think. A little silence is OK if your giving them time to come up with an answer.
So what do you do when people still won't talk? The following video speaks to this:

One way we're trying to help is found on the sermon based studies that we are producing each week. The first section for your group is "Breaking the Sound Barrier". It's few simple questions that everyone in the group can answer. It helps get the talking started and helps launch a great discussion.  Also, we try to have the sermon based studies posted here on the leader blog by Thursday of each week so you as a leader can see it ahead of time and be able to prepare.

Get them talking!


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