Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wrapping Things Up!

Check out the video below.  It will take about 10 minutes, but it beats having to come to a meeting!
After watching the video, if you have any questions, be sure to email, comment, or call me.

Thank You Leaders for all you do!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sign Ups Are Almost Here!

The week of Dec. 5th is the last week of the Fall Groups Season here at FCC.  On Dec. 5th we'll be starting sign ups for the Winter / Spring Season.  
To prepare we need your help!
1. Update Your Group Page: Go to the group site, login, and add new members and remove members who no longer attend.  This is very important!  We need to keep this accurate so that we can effectively minister to our people.
2. Plan Ahead: You as a leader need to know what you will be studying as you launch the new season.  The new season officially Kicks Off the week of Jan. 9th.  Know this: We will have a 6 week All Life Group Study beginning the week of March 6th.  So be sure to plan accordingly.  I will talk more about this later...
3. Recruit More Leaders:  We need more groups for more people!  If you know someone in your group who is ready to step out and lead, encourage them to do so.  Have them contact me and we'll get them started.  You can also give them your group and you can step out and start a new group yourself!  

God is doing Great Things at FCC!  Thank you for being a part of carrying out the Mission!

Matt T.