Accountability is a word that many in our culture run from. We are a people who don't want to be accountable to anyone. We want to live life our way. We don't want others pointing fingers at us. We don't like the idea of being watched. Yet, if we want to grow and become the person God wants us to be, we have to have someone who can hold us accountable.
Those who want to get healthy find a trainer. Those who want to get smarter find a teacher. Those who want to mature spiritually find a fellow believer or group of believers to help them grow. As leaders of our groups and classes we have a responsibility to challenge our people.
In our Sunday Morning bulletins at the end of the Group Study there is a new section labeled "Accountability". I encourage you as leaders to use these questions of accountability in your group. Whether you use the sermon study or not, you can still use the accountability questions.
Here are the questions:
Accountability: (Have group members answer on a scale from 1 to 10)
- How is your relationship with God right now?
- Did you spend time with God by reading your Bible this past week?
- Have you spent time with God in prayer this past week?
- Have you treated others around you as you would want to be treated?