Monday, October 26, 2009

New and Improved

We are always getting bombarded with the "New and Improved"!
  • New and improved soap
  • New and improved deodorant
  • New and improved toothpaste
  • New and improved motor oil
Marketers know we like the "new and improved" because, it must be better than the old... right?
We're always looking for ways to do groups better. To try new things and improve other things.
  • How can we get more leaders?
  • How can we better support our leaders?
  • How can we lead more people to connect in groups?
  • What does it take to make groups more effective?
  • How can we continue to improve our groups ministry?
These are all areas and questions that I constantly have on my mind as I seek God's direction for groups at FCC. I just spent time this weekend with several other churches having some round table discussion about groups. There was a lot to learn as each minister shared lessons learned. Much of it was encouraging as some shared disaster stories, and as the discussion leader shared their philosophy and it was very similar to how we do groups. Other parts weren't as encouraging and left me thinking "we've got a long way to go."

Overall, I think we're rockin when it comes to groups. The leader this weekend had been doing groups for 18 years at that church to bring them to where they are. We just started our 2nd year and have already made a significant impact. But, no doubt there is room for improvement. We'll try new things, improve some things, and we'll continue to move forward in helping our church family connect in significant relationships and grow in their walk with Christ.

What would you do different? What would you change? What lessons have you learned as a leader? What changes have you made in your own group to improve it's impact?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Serve (2)

Hey Leaders!
One of the important parts of a great group is to serving together. It helps your group take their eyes off of themselves and see the needs in others around them. As you read through the new testament, over and over we are challenged to take care of those in need. The poor, the widows, the orphans, etc. - God has called us to reach out to others and share His love with them.
Below I've listed a couple of opportunities:

Opportunity #1
Thanksgiving is coming and it is time to consider how we can help those in need around us. Last year, several groups "sponsored" a family to provide them with a special Thanksgiving food basket. If you would like to help again this year, can you let Jim Schnorrenberg know? His email is, and phone is 289-5614. The Community Care Food Pantry team will be preparing several food baskets to make available to you. Or, you can prepare a basket yourself. We're in the process of compiling names of families in need, but if you want to help, can you let me know? Thanks so much for your generous heart and desire to serve together as a group.

Opportunity #2
We will need a team of people to help decorate the facility for the Christmas Season. That won't happen until the end of November, but we need to get a plan in place. If your group would like to help take that on let me know.

Opportunity #3
Come up with your own! Someone in your group probably knows someone in need, or a ministry that needs help. Pull your group together, plan it, do it, see how God works through it, celebrate it!

P.S.: Don't forget to let us know if you're going to lead a group next season, or if you know of someone else that might be a good leader.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Growing Leaders

October and November are what we call "focus" months. During this period we will begin to focus on our next season. I know, we're barely half way through this season, but we've got to prepare now for what's ahead.
One of the major tasks we've got is lining up leaders for all the groups. That's where you come in. As you're meeting with your group, who is it that stands out as a potential leader? Begin to give them responsibilities and grow them to be a leader. Have them lead the prayer time or a part of the discussion. Let them lead your group if you're not able to be there.
We'll be asking you for names of individuals you feel could possibly lead a group next season. Be thinking that one over.

Join us in praying for God to raise up more and more leaders as we continue to move forward.